It’s busy… too busy…

Soon I’m going to start writing posts about the various projects I’m working on, and start uploading photos as I process them (though a lot of my prior work is on FurTrack – see the photography page for more info!)

As it stands, I have a lot on my plate:

  • Upgrading infrastructure for personal projects (like this site!)
  • Conventions (3 in the span of 4 weeks makes for a lot of travel and photos to process)
  • Putting together new DJ sets
  • Planning for the construction of a fursuit
  • Dealing with photos from cons
  • Looking for a new job

All that on top of my current job, as well as taking time for myself… let’s just say it’s a lot! At any rate, hopefully I’ll find some time to keep this site up to date.

Categories: Uncategorized